According to Reader’s Digest:
“Bobbing for apples started in Europe hundreds of years ago as a common way for young lovers to court one another. While there were many versions of the game, each apple represented a special someone. If the bobber, typically female, successfully bit into the apple with the name of a love interest in one go, then fortune favored the lucky couple and fate gave them the go-ahead. If it took the bobber two attempts, then they could still try it out but their love wouldn’t last a long time. Sadly, if the bobber needed three attempts to bite into the apple, then the stars weren’t aligned for this couple and it would probably be best to not pursue it at all.”
Every time we ask people what they want to see, one of the major things people suggest is bobbing for apples.
Usually, none of the people who ask for this have ever done it.
We’re honestly not sure where to get a barrel. We can find apples, but seriously…do you really want to be trying to stick your head in a barrel in the hope of stealing an apple?
Listen, we’ll GIVE you an apple. Please stick to the Trick Or Treating.