The Happy Haggs is a theatrical group of amateur, volunteer women who model their dance after Wolshager Hexenbrut, the dancing witches, of Wolfshagen, Germany. We bring Happiness and Joy through the Magic of dance throughout Central New York, USA. We dance and laugh and act a little silly; okay we act a lot silly, especially our cackling contests. We dance at public events, nursing homes, parades, local community events, and many more. We are loved by our fans with whom we interact and tease incessantly. Before Covid, we had lots of selfies and Hagg Huggs with our fans. From 2017 through 2019 we raised donations for local charities totaling over $7000. Covid-19 stopped us in our dance steps in 2020 but our Hagg sisters supported one another through the pandemic. For now we no longer dance for donations but are happy to come out and perform at public events just for fun. We wish to bring smiles and joy to every heart. We are booking events for the 2022/2023 season now- contact us if you would like the Happy Haggs at your event.