Enjoy some Halloween Oddities Marketplace lawn time, spirit, fun, & some costume spooky, accessories. We gotcha covered with…Ball caps, Halloween accented purses, warm n’ cozy witches hats…
Tamed Spider/ Bejweled Bat & Coffin Pins/Broaches (Yikes! I do not really know the difference!) , Unusual furry & festive party-mood sunglasses for “he’s and her’s” and “those and theirs” and “mine and yours” and Grey’s and Blues”…
Last sneak Satby by to collect your choose of a dastardly monster figural, to hang with you during the season of Spook!
Boo, it’s me! I look forward to meeting at The “Oddly Enough” booth! We will close each evening with a “Guaranteed to Win” Raffle of “Halloween Oddities Marketplace” merch! More to come!
Pre Event web site orders can be delivered to the Halloween Marketplace Scene! Go have some fun!